Department Introduction
There are seven pediatric neurologists, three fellow. The clinical activities including outpatient clinics and inpatients ward services.
The outpatients specialty clinic developed to diagnosing and caring for children with neurological problems, including:
.Infection/Inflammation disease: Encephalitis, meningitis, polyneuritis
.Development delay: Cerebral palsy, congenital anomalies.
.Learning disabilities: Attention deficits hyperactivity disorders, mental retardation.
.Movement disorders: Tics, Tourette syndrome, chorea.
.Brain tumor: Medulloblastoma, astrocytoma, craniopharyngioma.
.Spinal dysraphism: Tethered cord syndrome, meningocele, spinal bifida.
.Neuromuscular disorders: Muscular dystrophy, dermatomyostis, Torticollis.
.Paroxysmal disorders: Seizure, epilepsy, headache, syncope, sleep disorders.
Pediatric Neurology is renowned for the research in pediatric epilepsy, Tourette syndrome, and pediatric neurosonography. We treat epilepsy children with traditional and newly developed anticonvulsants.For refractory epileptic children, they were admmitted to ward with long term EEG-video monitor examinations in order to detect the detailed ictal and interictal EEG. Ketogenic diet is an alternative choice for the treatment of refractory seizures. The cooperation between nurse specialist, nutritionist, and parents of patients make the diet more delicious and effective.
Tourette syndrome is overlooked in Taiwain for long time. The patients usually were misdiagnosed as allergy, respiratory tract infection. We educate people to realize Tourette syndrome and give them accurate concept. We also are experts in pediatric neurosonography and trascranial sonography with color Doppler. We can use these convenient tools to early detect the intracranial lesions.
We are aggressively developing pediatric neurophysiology and the field of pediatric neuromuscular disorders in order to serve more children with neurological problems.
specialty:Pediatric Epilepsy,Tourette Disorder , Developmental Neuroscience,Ketogenic Diet,Headache
Attending Physician
specialty:Developmental Neuroscience,Ketogenic Diet,Pediatric Epilepsy,Tourette Disorder
Attending Physician
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Attending Physician
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Attending Physician
specialty:Neonatal and pediatric epilepsy Brain stimulation Epilepsy surgical brain mapping Pediatric headache Tic disorders and Tourette syndrome
Attending Physician
specialty:Neonatal and pediatric epilepsy, Development delay, Neurogenetic disorders, Tourette syndrome
Attending Physician
specialty:Neonatal and pediatric epilepsy Tourette disorder Pediatric headache
Attending Physician
specialty:Pediatric Epilepsy,Tourette Disorder , Developmental Neuroscience,Headache
TEL:+886-3-3281200#8200 | FAX:+886-3-3288957
Location description : Area 62, 1F., Children K Building
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