
General and Geriatric Psychiatry

Department Introduction

As a result of the medical science development as well as the medical care popularization, the mean lifetime grows largely. People in this era looks for not only the extension of life but also life quality. Along with rapid developed information and real world need the mental health and psychosomatic medicine, looking after body and mind in the whole person, has became the important medicine field.

During the past decades, because of misunderstanding and certain society’s infamy, the mental illness was like coat a dim veil. Under such situation, it often makes in the prophylaxis and the treatment the very big difficulty. In fact, most mental illness including psychosomatics is treatable even if sever ones such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and so on. If patients got treat early, the remission and recovery is quite worth of anticipating. Our psychiatric department based on clinical and research medicine fundament, combined with other clinical specialists, follows the bio-psycho–social model, and integrates psychosomatic medicine. It was expected to provide the best mental health service. The great effort created unremittingly is advantageous to the mental health research results.

The section of general psychiatry was based on the original department of psychiatry established 30 years ago. By the foundation and the development construction from former director Dr. Simon Lee and Dr. Yong-Yi Yang, current director Dr. Chia-Yih Liu deepens the clinical service, the teaching and the research work gradually, and cultivates positively young and potential doctors, moves to highly specialized subspecialty development.

The vision of our development will continue the work direction which the original department carried on. To emphasize the three elements including medical teaching, research and clinical service we will engage doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists and occupational therapists impel the mental health service and psychosomatic medicine. Clinical service includes outpatient service, acute ward inpatient service, geriatric psychiatry, forensic psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine (women and men’s mental health, consultation-liaison psychiatry, headache research, psychoncology and so on), sleep medicine as well as suicide preventing center. The teaching training part includes the medical school students, interns and residents. The research part cooperated with several other department develops the brain images study, the neurophysiology, the psychopharmacology and the potential human clinical trials.

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    Deputy Chief

    specialty:Psychosomatic medicine 、Headache 、Depressive disorders 、Psychosomatic pain disorders



    specialty:Geriatric psychiatry 、Geriatric depression 、Dementia


    Attending Physician

    specialty:General psychiatry


    Attending Physician

    specialty:General psychiatry


    Attending Physician

    specialty:General psychiatry



    specialty:General psychiatry


Contact info

TEL:+886-3-3281200#2439 | FAX:+886-3-3280267

Location description : 3F., Rehabilitation Building

Contact mailbox : psychi@adm.cgmh.org.tw