
General Internal and Geriatrics Medicine

Department Introduction

The division of General Internal Medicine was established in 1976. The mission of the division is to provide good quality of clinical service, education and research. Facing the growing aging population and increasing demand of geriatric health care, division of general internal medicine and geriatric medicine was merged in 2005. This is the first division in Taiwan. The division is currently comprised of 9 attending physicians. The faculty members are actively involved in both undergraduate and postgraduate medical education. Our division was elected as one of the “ General Internal medicine training center” sponsored by the project of the Department of Health and the Executive Yung in 2006. The mission of the training center is to provide postgraduate medical education program for residents to fulfill the requirement of the ACGME six core competences: Medical knowledge, Patient care, Interpersonal and communication skill, Professionalism, System-based practice, Practice-based learning and improvement. The division provides programs and core curriculum in the field of General Internal Medicine in order to obtain the goal of ACGME: developing competency as a physician and improving Patient Care.

Facing the aging society, the division provides continuous and integrated care for older people, including acute inpatient care, nursing home care , palliative care and hospice, home care ,geriatric clinic and preventive geriatric service. We provide comprehensive healthcare for older adults with an interdisciplinary team approach, including geriatricians, nurses, social workers, physical and occupational therapist, nutritionist and pharmacist. The integration of geriatric medicine contents into the curriculum of general internal medicine is imperative to achieve a well-trained physician to provide a holistic care for patients.

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    specialty:Acute and chronic kidney diseases,Hemodialysis,Peritoneal dialysis,Hypertension,Diabetes mellitus,Gout


    Attending Physician

    specialty:Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Long-Term Care


    Attending Physician

    specialty:Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine


    Attending Physician

    specialty:Internal medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Nutrition and Dietetics


    Attending Physician

    specialty:Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Gastroenterology


    Attending Physician

    specialty:Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Pulmonology


    Attending Physician

    specialty:Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine


Contact info

TEL:+886-3-3281200#8430 | FAX:No

Location description : 3F., Pathology Building

Contact mailbox : No