Clinical Proteomics Core Laboratory
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Welcome to the CGMH Clinical Proteomics Core Facility. The Clinical Proteomics Core (CPC) Lab was established in 2004 with a mission to provide the leading edge of proteomics research platforms and activate the proteomics research interaction to achieve the translation of the molecular information into the clinical practice.
The goal of the clinical proteomics core lab is to establish the high-quality technical platforms, to provide professional research consulting, experimental services, and to support proteomics studies. In 2016, the fantastic Q Exactive HF (Thermo Fisher) mass spectrometer equipped with an upgraded second-generation Orbitrap analyzer was introduced to our core lab to provide a much fast and accurate mass analysis of biological molecules. This high-end mass spectrometer combined with nano-flow rate, high-performance liquid chromatography and the integrated systematic data analysis tools (Proteome Discoverer & Mascot) offers a high-throughput technology platform for the protein identification and quantification in the various types of biological samples.
In 2019, Clinical Proteomics Core Lab was moved to the third floor of the New Research Building at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, Taiwan.
Our core members include one PhD and one master research fellows, as well as several full-time project assistants. If you have any suggestions or proteomics questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.