

長庚大學醫學系 專任教師



教職 : 助理教授




  • 國語,英語,閩南語


  • 長庚大學醫學系 專任教師
  • 高雄長庚醫院精神部老年及復健社區精神科 主治醫師


  • 成功大學資訊工程所 博士
  • 輔仁大學醫學系 學士


  • 高雄長庚醫院精神部老年及復健社區精神科 慢性病房主任
  • 高雄長庚醫院精神部 住院醫師


  • 台灣精神醫學會 專科醫師
  • 台灣老年精神醫學會 專科醫師
  • 台灣臨床失智症學會 失智症診療推薦醫師
  • 台灣生物精神醫學暨神經精神藥理學學會 腦神經刺激術認證專家
  • 國際臨床經顱磁刺激學會(Clinical Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Society) 研究會員


  • 〔近期研究計畫專案〕
  • 國科會計畫|躁鬱症預防情緒復發的精準醫療:從回顧性跨國臨床試驗模擬、至前瞻性務實臨床試驗驗證(延續計畫)
  • 長庚醫計畫|間斷高脈衝式經顱磁刺激治療憂鬱症:情感分析、隨機對照試驗、與統合分析
  • 長庚醫計畫|高精準經顱直流電刺激治療腦中風後憂鬱症:資料探勘、隨機對照試驗、與統合分析
  • 長庚醫計畫|經顱磁刺激術治療躁鬱症的憂鬱:利用統合分析與隨機對照試驗方法開發新刺激模式
  • 〔近期研究論文發表〕
  • 「非侵入性腦刺激術相關」
  • 那一種腦刺激模式對躁鬱症的憂鬱有效果|Comparing different non-invasive brain stimulation interventions for bipolar depression treatment: A network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  • 重複經顱磁刺激治療憂鬱症要治療多少次才能達到理想效果|The association of total pulses with the efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for treatment-resistant major depression: A dose-response meta-analysis
  • 憂鬱症在重複經顱磁刺激治療後效果可以維持多久|Trajectory of changes in depressive symptoms after acute repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: A meta-analysis of follow-up effects
  • 那一種腦刺激模式對失智症患者的認知功能有幫助|The beneficial effect on cognition of noninvasive brain stimulation intervention in patients with dementia: a network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  • 那一種腦刺激模式對思覺失調症負性症狀有效果|Assessment of Noninvasive Brain Stimulation Interventions for Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis
  • 那一種腦刺激模式能減少患者的抽菸頻率|Efficacy of non-invasive brain stimulation interventions in reducing smoking frequency in patients with nicotine dependence: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  • 那一種腦刺激模式或藥物治療能減少毒癮患者去使用安非他命|Multiple comparison of different noninvasive brain stimulation and pharmacologic interventions in patients with methamphetamine use disorders: A network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  • 那一種腦刺激模式能有效預防偏頭痛|Effectiveness and acceptability of noninvasive brain and nerve stimulation techniques for migraine prophylaxis: a network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  • 那一種腦刺激模式能幫助減重|Efficacy and acceptability of noninvasive brain stimulation interventions for weight reduction in obesity: a pilot network meta-analysis
  • 那一種腦刺激模式對阿茲海默症和輕度認知障礙有療效|Cognitive effects and acceptability of non-invasive brain stimulation on Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment: a component network meta-analysis
  • 用經顱直流電刺激來提升手術技術的學習能力|The Efficacy of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Enhancing Surgical Skill Acquisition: A Preliminary Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
  • 那一種腦刺激模式對耳鳴有療效|Association of Central Noninvasive Brain Stimulation Interventions With Efficacy and Safety in Tinnitus Management: A Meta-analysis
  • 用重複經顱磁刺激治療妥瑞氏症|Efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for Tourette syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  • 「躁鬱或憂鬱相關」
  • 用人工智慧方法輔助臨床醫師去監測帝拔癲血中濃度|Valproic acid monitoring: Serum prediction using a machine learning framework from multicenter real-world data
  • 躁鬱症首次躁症發病後的死亡風險和鋰保護作用|Mortality and Lithium-Protective Effects after First-Episode Mania Diagnosis in Bipolar Disorder: A Nationwide Retrospective Cohort Study in Taiwan
  • 躁症發作時選擇那種藥物比較穩定地有治療效果|Variability and efficacy in treatment effects on manic symptoms with lithium, anticonvulsants, and antipsychotics in acute bipolar mania: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  • 帝拔癲血中濃度的高低和躁鬱症的復發風險|Comparative effectiveness of valproic acid in different serum concentrations for maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder: A retrospective cohort study using target trial emulation framework.
  • 鋰鹽血中濃度不同對躁鬱症之鬱或躁的預防效果不一樣|Differences in the prophylactic effect of serum lithium levels on depression and mania in bipolar disorder: A dose-response meta-analysis
  • 鋰鹽血中濃度的高低和躁鬱症的復發風險|Lithium concentration and recurrence risk during maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder: Multicenter cohort and meta-analysis
  • 用人工智慧方法輔助臨床醫師去預測鋰鹽血液濃度|Predicting Serum Levels of Lithium-Treated Patients: A Supervised Machine Learning Approach
  • 祖拉諾龍治療重度憂鬱症的療效和安全性比較|Efficacy and safety of zuranolone in major depressive disorder: a meta-analysis of factor effect and dose-response analyses
  • 使用機器學習演算法預測中風患者是否會發生憂鬱症|Predicting new-onset post-stroke depression from real-world data using machine learning algorithm
  • 洗腎患者使用紅血球生成素來預防未來罹患憂鬱症|Lack of association between erythropoietin treatment and risk of depression in patients with end-stage kidney disease on maintenance dialysis: a nationwide database study in Taiwan
  • 那種藥物或非藥物的治療對頭部受傷後的憂鬱症較有效果|Therapeutic benefits of pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments for depressive symptoms after traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
  • 抗憂鬱劑預防憂鬱病患住院:原廠藥優於學名藥|Brand-Name Antidepressants Outperform Their Generic Counterparts in Preventing Hospitalization for Depression: The Real-World Evidence from Taiwan
  • 鋰鹽與利培酮併用可能引起神經毒性和腎毒性|Neurotoxicity and nephrotoxicity caused by combined use of lithium and risperidone: a case report and literature review
  • 「老年或失智相關」
  • 額顳葉失智症用那一種藥物治療行為症狀有效果|Treatment Efficacy of Pharmacotherapies for Frontotemporal Dementia: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
  • 抗發炎二十碳五烯酸對阿茲海默症認知功能的療效和接受性比較|Efficacy and acceptability of anti-inflammatory eicosapentaenoic acid for cognitive function in Alzheimer's dementia: A network meta-analysis of randomized, placebo-controlled trials with omega-3 fatty acids and FDA-approved pharmacotherapy
  • 使用褪黑激素與阿茲海默症認知功能之間的關係|The Dose- and Duration-Dependent Association between Melatonin Treatment and Overall Cognition in Alzheimer's Dementia: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trials
  • 台灣市面上那種抗憂鬱劑對老年憂鬱症比較有效果|Comparative effectiveness of antidepressants on geriatric depression: Real-world evidence from a population-based study
  • 薑黃素對頭腦認知功能的影響|The Effect of Curcumin Differs on Individual Cognitive Domains across Different Patient Populations: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  • 憶思能可能誘發早發性阿茲海默症的比薩症候群|Reversible Pisa Syndrome Induced by Rivastigmine in a Patient With Early-Onset Alzheimer Disease
  • 「智慧醫療(大數據分析、人工智慧)相關」
  • 比較ChatGPT 和人類專家撰寫研究摘要的品質|Comparisons of Quality, Correctness, and Similarity Between ChatGPT-Generated and Human-Written Abstracts for Basic Research: Cross-Sectional Study
  • 用近紅外光譜儀輔助鑑別診斷憂鬱症、躁鬱症和思覺失調症|NIRS-aided differential diagnosis among patients with major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia
  • 現代運動遊戲和虛擬實境治療對帕金森氏症的輔助療效|Effects of modern technology (exergame and virtual reality) assisted rehabilitation vs conventional rehabilitation in patients with Parkinson's disease: a network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.
  • 你的生日是否影響未來罹患精神疾患的風險|Month of birth and mental disorders: A population-based study and validation using global meta-analysis
  • 不同人格疾患的人容易罹患那些精神疾病和男女差異|Differences in Psychiatric Comorbidities and Gender Distribution among Three Clusters of Personality Disorders: A Nationwide Population-Based Study
  • 台灣早發性思覺失調症症患病率、合併症和抗精神病藥處方的性別差異|Gender differences in the prevalence, comorbidities and antipsychotic prescription of early-onset schizophrenia: a nationwide population-based study in Taiwan
  • 比較原廠抗精神病藥與台灣學名藥治療思覺失調症的療效|Comparison of the effectiveness of brand-name and generic antipsychotic drugs for treating patients with schizophrenia in Taiwan
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