美國American Society for Peripheral Nerve週邊神經重建外科醫學會會員
美國Sir Charles Bell Society 顏面神經麻痺重建會員
ATLS (高級外傷救命術學員)執照
Macrophage-derived vascular endothelial growth factor-A is integral to neuromuscular junction reinnervation after nerve injury.
Identifying Common Peroneal Neuropathy before Foot Drop.
Phrenic nerve as an Alternative Donor for Nerve Transfer to Restore Shoulder Abduction in Severe Multiple Root Injuries of the Adult Brachial Plexus.
Adult Brachial Plexus Injuries: A Historical Perspective
One-stage reconstruction for bilateral Mobius syndrome: simultaneous use of bilateral spinal accessory nerves to innervate 2 free muscles for facial reanimation.
Algorithmic approach to anterolateral thigh flaps lacking suitable perforators in lower extremity reconstruction.