
柯雯青 醫師


教職 : 教授




  • 國語,英語,閩南語


  • 長庚大學顱顏口腔醫學研究所教授
  • 長庚紀念醫院顱顏齒顎矯正科教授
  • 台灣顱顏學會理事長
  • 中華民國齒顎矯正學會理事與期刊主編


  • 美國伊利諾大學芝加哥分校醫學院碩士
  • 臺北醫學大學牙醫學系學士


  • 長庚紀念醫院顱顏齒顎矯正科系主任,副部主任
  • 台灣顱顏學會理事長
  • 美國伊利諾大學芝加哥分校醫學院顱顏中心研究員


  • 美國齒顎矯正學會會員
  • 中華民國衛福部定齒顎矯正專科醫師
  • 世界矯正學會會員
  • Invisalign隱士美隱形矯正認證


  • Dentoskeletal parameters related to visual perception of facial asymmetry in patients with skeletal Class III malocclusion after orthognathic surgery.
  • Comparison of adult 3D craniofacial features of patients with unilateral hemifacial microsomia with and without early mandibular distraction osteogenesis.
  • Long-term Evaluation and treatment for a patient with costochondral graft to reconstruct bony deficiency in hemifacial microsomia- A case report.
  • Orthodontic treatment in periodontal compromised patient with Class II posterior cross bite and deep overbite.
  • Effects of proximal grooves and abutment height on the resistance of resin-cemented crowns in teeth with inadequate resistance: an in vitro study.
  • Effects of two alar base suture techniques on nasolabial changes after bimaxillary orthognathic surgery in Taiwanese patients with Class III malocclusions.
  • The 3D surgical changes of mandibular proximal segments affect outcome of jaw motion analysis.
  • Effect of early physiotherapy on the recovery of mandibular function after orthognathic surgery for Class III correction: part II—electromyography activity of masticatory muscles.
  • Effect of early physiotherapy on the recovery of mandibular function after orthognathic surgery for Class III correction: part I— jaw-motion analysis.
  • Comparison of the initial nasolabial Changes by 2 different alar base cinch suture techniques in Class III patients who received two-jaw orthognathic surgery.
  • Comparative outcomes of two nasoalveolar molding techniques for bilateral nose deformities.
  • Root coverage with laterally positioned pedical flap and subepithelial connective tissue graft and localized severely denuded root surface after surgical orthodontic treatment in cleft lip and palate: a case report.
  • Quantitative evaluation of cortical bone thickness in mandibular prognathic patients with neurosensory disturbance after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy.
  • 初探牙醫系實習醫學生客觀結構式臨床測驗(OSCE)之模式與結果。
  • Craniofacial characteristics in unilateral complete cleft lip and palate patients with congenitally missing teeth. Am
  • Alteration of masticatory electromyographic activity and stability of orthoganthic surgery in patients with skeletal Class III malocclusion.
  • Correction of severe Class II division 1 malocclusion with miniscrew anchorage- a case report.
  • Skeletal and dental variables related to the stability of orthognathic surgery in skeletal Class III malocclusion with a surgery-first approach.
  • Comparative outcomes of two nasoalveolar molding techniques for unilateral cleft nose deformity.
  • LeFort III Distraction Osteogenesis: Modification of the intraoral splint in the rigid external distraction.
  • Planning the surgery-first approach in surgical-orthodontic treatment with a computer aided surgical simulation (CASS) planning protocol.
  • Face asymmetry and mandibular bite collapse corrected with orthoganthic surgery and miniscrews in patient with Wilson disease.
  • Dental and skeletal correction of Mobius syndrome: a case report.
  • Longitudinal observation of mandibular Motion pattern in patients with skeletal Class III malocclusion subsequent to orthognathic surgery.
  • The stability of mandibular prognathism corrected by bilateral sagittal split osteotomies: A comparison of bi-cortical osteosynthesis and mono-cortical osteosynthesis.
  • Fronto-facial monobloc distraction in syndromic craniosynostosis- three-dimensional evaluation of treatment outcome and facial growth.
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