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首頁 > 團隊介紹 > 傅鐵城 醫生資料






  • 基隆長庚紀念醫院復健部副教授級主治醫師


  • 基隆長庚紀念醫院復健科主治醫師


  • 中國醫藥大學醫學系
  • 長庚大學臨床醫學研究所博士


  • 國語,英語,閩南語,客語


  • 助理教授


  • 復健科專科醫師
  • 骨骼肌肉系統超音波專業醫師
  • 老年醫學專科醫師
  • 台灣心肺復健醫學會監事


  • Aerobic Interval Training Elicits Different Hemodynamic Adaptations Between Heart Failure Patients with Preserved and Reduced Ejection Fraction.
  • Validation of a new simple scale to measure symptoms in heart failure from traditional Chinese medicine view: a cross-sectional questionnaire study.
  • Detection of Exercise Periodic Breathing Using Thermal Flowmeter in Patients with Heart Failure.
  • Cycling Exercise Training Alleviates Hypoxia-Impaired Erythrocyte Rheology.
  • 心臟衰竭病患運動復健訓練後中醫症狀之評估:先導性試驗.
  • Effects of normoxic and hypoxic exercise regimens on monocyte-mediated thrombin generation in sedentary men.
  • Effect of multidisciplinary disease management for hospitalized heart failure under a national health insurance programme.
  • Central and Peripheral Hemodynamic Adaptations During Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test in Heart Failure Patients With Exercise Periodic Breathing.
  • Activation of lymphocyte autophagy/apoptosis reflects haemodynamic inefficiency and functional aerobic impairment in patients with heart failure.
  • Modified high-intensity interval training increases peak cardiac power output in patients with heart failure.
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation in Patients with Heart Failure.
  • Exertional periodic breathing potentiates erythrocyte rheological dysfunction by elevating pro-inflammatory status in patients with anemic heart failure.
  • Effect of aerobic interval training on erythrocyte rheological and hemodynamic functions in heart failure patients with anemia.
  • Systemic vascular resistance is increased and associated with accelerated arterial stiffening change in patients with chronic cervical spinal cord injury.
  • Anemic comorbidity reduces capacity of endogenous thrombin generation and is associated with consumptive coagulopathy in patients with heart failure.
  • Aerobic interval training improves oxygen uptake efficiency by enhancing cerebral and muscular hemodynamics in patients with heart failure.
  • Effect of aerobic interval training on erythrocyte rheological and hemodynamic functions in heart failure patients with anemia.
  • Systemic vascular resistance is increased and associated with accelerated arterial stiffening change in patients with chronic cervical spinal cord injury.
  • Non-invasive cardiac index monitoring during cardiopulmonary functional testing provides additional prognostic value in patients after acute heart failure.
  • 2012 Guidelines of the Taiwan Society of Cardiology (TSOC) for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Heart Failure.
  • Exertional periodic breathing potentiates erythrocyte rheological dysfunction by elevating pro-inflammatory status in patients with anemic heart failure.
  • Suppression of Cerebral Hemodynamics Is Associated with Reduced Functional Capacity in Patients with Heart Failure.
  • Influence of magnetic knee wraps on joint proprioception in individuals with osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled pilot trial.
  • Effects of Normoxic and Hypoxic Exercise Regimens on Cardiac, Muscular, and Cerebral Hemodynamics Suppressed by Severe Hypoxia in Humans.
  • Effect of Kinesio taping on muscle strength in athletes-a pilot study.
  • Effects of occupation on fitness in Taiwan adults.
  • Motor control in patients with incomplete spinal cord injuries and various voluntary movement capabilities.
  • Fixation with Vertebral Prosthesis following Vertebral Fracture in Ankylosing Spondylitis : A Case Report.