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首頁 > 團隊介紹 > 何治軍 醫生資料



顱內動脈瘤、顱內動靜脈畸型、和其他顱內血管病變、腦瘤、腦下垂體瘤、小腦橋腦角瘤、眼球後腫瘤、和其他顱底腦瘤、立體定位手術、神經導航手術、三叉神經痛、和顏面神經抽搐等顯微血管減壓手術、頭部外傷、高血壓顱內出血、和水腦症等、顱內內視鏡手術、脊椎內視鏡手術、胸腔內視鏡手術、多汗症和臭汗症手術、第一和第二頸椎經口減壓手術、第一和第二頸椎後固定術和骨融合術 前頸椎手術、後頸椎手術、和頸神經孔手術 、前、後外側、和後側胸椎手術、各項腰椎手術、荐椎腫瘤手術、脊椎腫瘤和脊椎內血管病變手術、周邊神經病變和腫瘤手術、和神經顯微吻合術、組織培養和多細胞類球體培養、細胞生物學、腫瘤學、放射線生物學和放射線腫瘤學、生物力學



  • 教育部部定副教授
  • 長庚紀念醫院外科教授
  • 國立陽明大學外科副教授


  • 台灣神經腫瘤學學會理事長
  • 高雄長庚紀念醫院外科部腦神經外科主任
  • 高雄榮民總醫院外科部神經外科科主任
  • 台北榮民總醫院神經醫學中心神經外科主治醫師
  • 美國舊金山加州大學腦瘤研究中心研究員
  • 台北榮民總醫院神經外科住院總醫師


  • 國防醫學院醫學系70期畢業
  • 國立陽明大學臨床醫學研究所博士班畢業
  • 美國舊金山加州大學腦瘤研究中心研究員


  • 國語,英語,閩南語


  • 教授


  • 台灣外科醫學會
  • 台灣神經外科醫學會
  • 台灣神經脊椎外科醫學會
  • 台灣神經腫瘤學學會


  • Risk factors for seizures after cranioplasty
  • Tumor Volume Changes During and After Temozolomide Treatment for Newly Diagnosed Higher-Grade Glioma (III and IV)
  • Consistency between Targets Delineated by Angiography, Computed Tomography, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Arteriovenous Malformation
  • Adjuvant Acupuncture Therapy in Patients with Severe Head Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial
  • Risk Factors for Delayed Neuro-surgical Intervention in Patients with Acute Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Intracranial Hemorrhage
  • Bacterial brain abscess formation in post-irradiated patients: What is the possible pathogenesis?
  • The Influence of Pituitary Adenoma Size on Vision and Visual Outcomes after Trans-Sphenoidal Adenectomy: A Report of 78 Cases
  • Serial Serum Leukocyte Apoptosis Levels as Predictors of Outcome in Acute Traumatic Brain Injury
  • The value of serial plasma nuclear and mitochondrial DNA levels in acute spontaneous intra-cerebral haemorrhage
  • A clinicopathological study of the significance of the proportion of choroid morphology in chordoid meningioma
  • The prognostic value of serial leukocyte adhesion molecules in post-aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
  • A retrospective survey of patients with malignant gliomas treated in the neuro-oncological care system under the Universal National Health Insurance program in Taiwan
  • Rhabdoid papillary meningioma: a clinicopathologic case series study
  • The association between symptomatic delayed cerebral infarction and serum adhesion molecules in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
  • Suppressive effects of intrathecal granulocyte colony-stimulating factor on excessive release of excitatory amino acids in the spinal cerebrospinal fluid of rats with cord ischemia: Role of glutamate transporters
  • Chordoid meningioma: a clinicopathologic study of 11 cases at a single institution
  • Clinicopathologic analysis of rhabdoid meningioma
  • Aneurysmal Bone Cyst of Skull Base: a case report and review of literature
  • Predictors and outcome of acute symptomatic cerebral infarctions following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
  • A Nocardial Brain Abscess