Sequential alterations of Stensen's duct and parotid gland after radical surgeries in buccal cancer.
Analysis of Factors Influencing the Efficiency of Acupuncture in Tinnitus Patients.
Polymorphisms of Mismatch Repair Pathway Genes Predict Clinical Outcomes in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients Receiving Adjuvant Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy.
Alcohol-metabolizing Enzymes' Gene Polymorphisms and Susceptibility to Multiple Head and Neck Cancers.
Polymorphisms in ERCC5 rs17655 and ERCC1 rs735482 Genes Associated with the Survival of Male Patients with Postoperative Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treated with Adjuvant Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy.
Clinicopathological Parameters and Prognosis of Carcinoma ex Pleomorphic Adenoma.
Roles of preoperative C-reactive protein are more relevant in buccal cancer than other subsites.
Familial aggregation of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Taiwan.
Mortality in tongue cancer patients treated by curative surgery: a retrospective cohort study from CGRD.
Comparison of Surgical Approaches of Subperiosteal Abscess in Children. Clinics in Surgery
Classification of vocal fold leukoplakia by clinical scoring. Head Neck
Parapharyngeal space tumors: a serial case study
Prognostic Roles of SCC Antigen, CRP and CYFRA 21-1 in Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Anticancer Res
Squamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen in Predicting Distant Metastasis in Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Laryngoscopic Characteristics in Vocal Leukoplakia: Inter-rater Reliability and Correlation With Histology Grading. Laryngoscope