Risk factors for thyroid surgery-related unilateral vocal fold paralysis.
Responses of Middle-Frequency Modulations in Vocal Fundamental Frequency to Different Vocal Intensities and Auditory Feedback.
Clinical Outcomes of Taiwanese Patients with cT4 Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Toward the Identification of the Optimal Initial Treatment Approach for cT4b Patients.
Association between the diagnosis-to-treatment interval and overall survival in Taiwanese patients with oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma.
Reliability of office-based narrow-band imaging-guided flexible laryngoscopic tissue samplings.
Quantitative electromyographic characteristics of idiopathic unilateral vocal fold paralysis.Laryngoscope
Dynamic Drug-Induced Sleep Computed Tomography in Adults With Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Disease Characteristics and Electromyographic Findings of Nonsurgery-Related Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis.
In-Office Hyaluronate Injection Laryngoplasty as Palliative Treatment for Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis.
Snoring Sounds Predict Obstruction Sites and Surgical Response in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome.
. Classification of vocal fold leukoplakia by clinical scoring.
Quantitative laryngeal electromyography assessment of cricothyroid function in patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis.
Office-Based Intracordal Hyaluronate Injections Improve Quality of Life in Thoracic-Surgery-Related Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis
Transverse Retropalatal Collapsibility Is Associated with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Severity and Outcome of Relocation Pharyngoplasty.
Changes of snoring sound after relocation pharyngoplasty for obstructive sleep apnoea: the surgery reduces mean intensity in snoring which correlates well with apnoea–hypopnoea index.
Early hyaluronate injection improves quality of life but not neural recovery in unilateral vocal fold paralysis: An open-label randomized controlled study.
Transoral robotic surgery in cancers of oropharynx, larynx and hypopharynx- a preliminary result.
Transversely Retropalatal Collapsibility Measured by Regular Endoscopy Is Associated with Position Independency and Apnea-Hypopnea Index.
Oropharyngeal Kaposi’s Sarcoma from an Immunocompetent Host: A Case Report.
Tumor volumetry as a prognostic factor in the management of T4a laryngeal cancer.
Positional dependency and surgical success of relocation pharyngoplasty among patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea.
Transoral endoscopic CO2 laser microsurgery for early laryngeal cancers.