
Paediatric Infectious Diseases: A Practical Guide and Cases

專業書籍 | 2023.07.11

Paediatric Infectious Diseases: A Practical Guide and Cases

作者:Yhu-Chering Huang, Ping-Ing Lee, Po-Yo Chen 編者




This book aims to provide readers updated information on diagnosis and management of infectious diseases in children, especially those prevailing in Asian countries. Each chapter presents with one to two typical clinical cases first and then introduces the epidemiology, and the pearls of clinical skills in diagnosis and treatment of most frequent infectious pediatric diseases occurred in respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, bone/joint, skin and soft tissue . Infectious diseases in neonates, vaccine-associated adverse effects, and specific syndromes prevailing in Asian countries are also discussed with details. Written by experts in the field, this case-based book will be a useful reference for infectious disease researchers and paediatricians, as well as those who are interested in related field.


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