Novel Neovaginoplasty using Rudimentary Uterine Horn serosa and pelvic peritoneum as a graft in Mullerian Anomalies with Vaginal Agenesis. (利用子宮角及腹膜的創新陰道重建手術治療穆氏管異常合併陰道發育不全)
Determination of Electrospinning Parameters’ Strength in Poly(D,L)-lactide-co-glycolide Micro/Nanofibers Diameter Tailoring (聚乳酸甘醇酸微/奈米纖維直徑電紡參數影響之研究).
Biodegradable andrographolide-eluting nanofibrous membranes for the treatment of cervical cancer (以帶有穿心蓮內酯的生物可分解奈米纖維膜治療子宮頸癌).
Effects of anti-Mullerian hormone and follicle stimulating hormone levels on in vitro fertilization pregnancy rate(抗穆氏管荷爾蒙和促濾泡成熟激素對試管嬰兒成功率的影響).
Impetigo Herpetiformis with Gestational Hypertension: A Case Report and Literature Review (皰疹性膿皰合併妊娠高血壓:案例簡報及文獻回顧).
Successful salvage treatment of recurrent endometrial cancer with multiple lung and abdominal metastases (成功挽救復發性子宮內膜癌併發多處肺及腹腔轉移).
Characteristic and Prescription Pattern of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Postmenopausal Syndrome Patients (更年期症候群之相關合併症探討及其中醫用藥分析).
Characteristics and Prescription Patterns of Traditional Chinese Medicine Combined with Artificial Reproductive Technology in Infertility Patients (不孕症患者進行人工生殖療程合併中醫治療用藥分析).
Characteristics and Prescription Patterns of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (多囊性卵巢綜合症中醫用藥分析).
Artemisia Princeps Induces Apoptosis in Cervical Cancer Cells (艾葉萃取物引發子宮頸癌細胞凋亡的機制探討).
Studying on Characteristic of Different Symptoms of Endometriosis According to Chinese Medical Differential Diagnosis (子宮內膜異位症的中醫證型特徵研究).
Expedient Management by Laparoscopy for Early Pregnancy Complicated with OHSS and Ovarian Torsion (以腹腔鏡手術治療早期懷孕併發卵巢過度刺激症候群及卵巢扭轉).
Laparoscopic Excision of Paratubal Cyst with Fallopian Tube Torsion (腹腔鏡手術切除輸卵管旁囊腫合併輸卵管扭轉).