




教職 : 講師




  • 嘉義長庚耳鼻喉系講師級主治醫師


  • 台北醫學大學醫學系


  • 嘉義長庚耳鼻喉科 主任
  • 林口長庚醫院兒童醫學中心 小兒耳鼻喉科主任
  • 林口長庚醫院耳鼻喉部 喉科主治醫師
  • 世界耳鼻喉科醫學會 專家論壇講師
  • 第二屆世界華人耳鼻喉科會議 專家論壇講師
  • 2008中華民國耳鼻喉科醫學會 醫師繼續教育 小兒耳鼻喉科學講師
  • 1995中華民國耳鼻喉科醫學會 小兒耳鼻喉科新知研討會 呼吸道病變 大會講師
  • 1995中華民國耳鼻喉科醫學會 兒童中耳炎治療的最新進展研討會 大會講師
  • 多倫多兒童醫院進修
  • 柏林自由大學進修


  • 中華民國耳鼻喉科醫學會專科醫師
  • 美國耳鼻喉科醫學會專家會員
  • 台灣顏面整型重建外科醫學會專科醫師


  • Role of flexible transnasal esophagoscopy and patient education in the management of globus pharyngeus.Cheng CC, Fang TJ, Lee TJ, Lee LA, Chen TM, Chen CK, Re-Ming Yeh A, Huang HC, Hsiao HR, Lin W, Kuo YL, Li HY.J Formos Med Assoc. 2012 Mar;111(3):171-5. Epub 2012 Feb 14.
  • Pituitary adenoma manifests as blood-tinged sputum. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2010 Mar;142(3):452-3, 453.e1. Epub 2010 Jan 13. 1st author.
  • Acute mediastinitis resulting from an unsuspected fish bone--case report. Int J Clin Pract Suppl. 2005 Apr;(147):45-7. corresponding author.
  • Endoscopic CO2 laser surgery for an atypical carcinoid tumor of the epiglottis masquerading as a supraglottic cyst. Head Neck. 2005 Nov;27(11):1004-7. Co-author.
  • Objective Comparison of Shoulder Dysfunction after Three Neck Dissection Techniques. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 2000;109:761-766. Co-author.
  • Systematic Management of Osteoradionecrosis in the Head and Neck. Laryngoscope 109: Aug 1999. Co- author.
  • Telescopic Video Microlaryngeal Surgery. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology Feb. 1999. 1st author.
  • Transnasal Endoscopic Surgery in Antrochoanal Polyps. Journal of Taiwan Otolaryngological Society, Aug. 1997. Co-author.
  • Endoscopic Septoplasty. J Taiwan Otolaryngol Society, June 1997. Co-author.
  • Choncha Bullosa and Chronic Paranasal Sinusitis. J Taiwan Otolaryngol Society, June 1997. Co-author.
  • Airway Problems in Neonates and Infants. Journal of the Otolaryngological Society, ROC. Feb. 1995. 1st author.
  • Lipoma of Hypopharynx and Esophagus. 臨床醫學, Dec. 1992. 1st author.
  • Cadaveric Study of the Styloid Processes in Chinese. J Otolaryngol Society ROC, Dec. 1992. Co-author.
  • Angiosarcoma. 臨床醫學, Aug. 1991. 1st author.
  • Minimally Invasive Early Diagnosis of Maxillary Sinus Cancer. AAO. Sep. 2010. Boston, MA, USA.
  • Stamping method flexible laser cordectomy. AAO. Oct. 2009. San Diego, CA, USA.
  • A Modified Method to Remove Distally Impacted Airway Foreign Bodies in Children. AAO. Sep. 2005. LAX, CA, USA.
  • Minimally invasive surgery for maxillary fungal balls. AAO. Sep. 2003. Orlando, Florida.
  • Nearly silent pituitary adenoma presenting as blood – tinged sputum. AAO. Sep. 2003. Orlando, Florida.
  • Transnasal Endoscopic Surgery for Infantile Basal Encephalocele. AAO. 2000. Washington, DC.
  • A New Method of Microinvasive Laryngeal Surgery. Proceedings of the Pan-Pacific Surgical Association, 25th Biennial Meeting. Jan. 2000. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
  • Sudden Apnea in Intrinsic Laryngeal Lymphangioma and Hemangioma. Proceedings of the 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Fundation. Sep. 1999, in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
  • Telescopic laryngeal microsurgery-Technical consideration. Proceedings of 102nd Combined Otolaryngological Spring Annual Meeting, April, 1999. Palm Desert, CA, USA.
  • Repair of Encephalocele. European Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology, ESPO, 2008. Budapest.
  • intrinsic laryngeal lymphangioma. European Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology, ESPO, 2006. Paris.
  • A New Method for Microinvasive Laryngeal Surgery. Athens, Greece, 2nd World Congress of Otorhinolaryngologic Allergy Endoscopy and Laser Surgery. 2001.
  • Bronchoscopic removal of distally impacted airway foreign bodies in children. 8th Japan-Taiwan Conference in Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. Dec. 2005. Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Telescopic Video Laryngeal Microsurgery. Proceedings of the 5th Japan-Taiwan Conference in Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. Oct. 1999. Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
  • Endoscopic Management of Pediatric Airway Obstruction Disorders. 2nd World Chinese Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery Conference. Macau, China. June, 2009.
  • 內視鏡Nd-YAG雷射穿孔式切除法有助於喉頭前聲門區暴露不易腫瘤之手術. Telescopic Nd-YAG laser cordectomy with stamping method for difficult exposure laryngeal tumors. May, 2009. 高雄市, Taiwan.
  • Panel Discussion : Intrinsic laryngeal lymphangioma. Dec. 2008. 2008 NTUH Pediatric Airway Course, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Special lecture : 小兒呼吸道續發性病變. Acquired pediatric airway diseases. May, 2008. Taiwan.
  • 腸病毒重症合併腦病變患童之氣管重建與氣切管移除. decannulation of pediatric tracheostomy in brain insulted, severe enterovirus victims. Nov, 2007. Taiwan.
  • 以局部顯微黏膜瓣及mitomycin C 治療聲門蹼 Management of glottic web with local microflap and mitomycin C. 2004. Taiwan.
  • Management of severe Respiratory Papilloma with distal trachea spread in a little child. 2004, Taiwan.
  • 腦下垂體手術之內視鏡經鼻中膈路徑與經鼻路徑之比較. Comparison between transeptal and transnasal endoscopic pituitary surgery. 2003. Taiwan.
  • 罕見的眼窩減壓術適應症 Orbital decompression for a rare condition. May, 2000.
  • Endoscopic Management of Skull Base Osteoradionecrosis. Co –author. Proceedings of 67th Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Academy of Otolaryngology Foundation, Nov, 1999. Taiwan.
  • Transnasal Endoscopic Management of Serious Epistaxis. Proceedings of 67th Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Academy of Otolaryngology Foundation, Nov, 1999. Taiwan.
  • Transnasal Endoscopic Surgery for Basal Encephalocele in Infant. Proceedings of 66th Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Academy of Otolaryngology Foundation, May, 1999. Taiwan.
  • Considerations in Pediatric Hearing screening. Proceeding of 65rd Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Academy of Otolaryngology Foundation, Oct. 1998. Taiwan.
  • Localized Angioedema of the Larynx. Proceeding of 64th Spring Meeting of the Taiwan Academy of Otolaryngology Foundation, May 1998. Taiwan.
  • Technique of Telescopic Laryngeal Microsurgery. Proceeding of 63rd Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Academy of Otolaryngology Foundation, Nov. 1997. Taiwan.
  • Early Detection of NPC. Proceeding of 62nd Spring Meeting of the Taiwan Academy of Otolaryngology Foundation, May 1997. Taiwan.
  • Endoscopic Laryngeal Surgery. Proceeding of 61st Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Academy of Otolaryngology Foundation, Nov. 1996. Taiwan.
  • Pediatric Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Proceeding of 60th Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Academy of Otolaryngology Foundation, May 1996. Taiwan.
  • Surgical Management of diffuse nasal polyposis. Proceeding of 60th Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Academy of Otolaryngology Foundation, May 1996. Taiwan.
  • Bronchoscopic Aid in the Management of Bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Proceeding of 60th Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Academy of Otolaryngology Foundation, May 1996. Taiwan.
  • Management of Laryngomalacia. Proceeding of 59th Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Academy of Otolaryngology Foundation, Nov. 1995. Taiwan.
  • Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome with Stridor. Proceeding of 58th Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Academy of Otolaryngology Foundation, May 1995. Taiwan.
  • Sudden Apnea of an Infant with Laryngeal Tumor. Proceeding of 57th Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Academy of Otolaryngology Foundation, Nov. 1995. Taiwan.
  • Airway Problem in Neonate and Infant. Proceeding of 56th Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Academy of Otolaryngology Foundation, May 1994. Taiwan.
  • Angiosarcoma. Proceeding of 51st Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Academy of Otolaryngology Foundation, Nov. 1991. Taiwan.
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