

新北市立土城醫院 耳鼻喉科 顧問級主治醫師


人工電子耳手術(611例770耳)、中耳手術〔中耳炎鼓室成型術(8000例)、膽脂瘤與慢性肉芽性中耳炎乳突鑿開術(約1200例)、鐙骨置換或造口術(近100例)手術〕、助聽器選配諮詢、聽力障礙、耳鳴、眩暈治療與諮詢、內耳手術〔梅尼內淋巴囊引流、迷路切除術 (約150例)

教職 : 副教授




  • 國語,英語,閩南語,日語


  • 新北市立土城醫院 耳鼻喉科 顧問級主治醫師
  • 林口長庚醫院 副教授級主治醫師
  • 長庚大學醫學系 副教授
  • 台灣耳鳴醫學會理事


  • 台北醫學大學醫學系


  • 林口醫學中心學術組副教授
  • 林口長庚醫院 耳鼻喉部 前耳科主任 (1999.7-2014.6)
  • 高雄長庚醫院耳鼻喉科主治醫師
  • 倫敦耳鳴減敏治療進修
  • 丹佛耳科中心研究員
  • 澳洲墨爾本Nucleus人工電子耳中心進修
  • 美國House耳科中心耳科學與電子耳進修
  • Clarion人工電子耳訓練
  • 美國科羅拉多丹佛內耳手術臨床研究
  • 於1999年迄2016年共完成電子耳植入手術501例,手術量亦在現時台灣每年從事此項手術的醫師中名列前茅。


  • 澳洲科利耳大中華區外科專家顧問委員會委員
  • 台灣耳鼻喉頭頸外科醫學會 專科醫師
  • 台灣耳鼻喉科醫學會理事
  • 台灣耳鼻喉科醫學會 聽語訓練委員會召集人
  • 台灣耳鼻喉科醫學會 教育學術及法律倫理委員會委員
  • 台灣耳鼻喉科醫學會 聽語訓練委員會委員
  • 台灣耳鼻喉科醫學會第十屆編輯委員會委員
  • 美國耳喉科醫學會會員(AAOHNSF International Fellow)
  • 國際外科學院院士(International College of Surgeons Fellow)
  • 中華民國聲暉聯合會專案顧問
  • 長庚人體試驗倫理委員會 獨立諮詢專家


  • Publication (2004-2022): Total number of journal articles: 65 SCI articles: 56 SCI articles related to cochlear implants: 39 Corresponding author Co-first author
  • 從2004年到2016年,個人全部SCI論文著作共54篇。而在其中,關於電子耳研究的SCI論文共有30篇,另有3篇為與我們合作的單位所發表,連同黃俊生教授過去所發表的5篇相關論文,本院相關論文產值佔台灣的六成左右。本團隊歷年來RPI介於90至100之間。
  • 個人研究主要為從事人工電子耳兒童術後長期追蹤之臨床研究,其中包括指導年輕住院醫師及主治醫師之臨床文章,亦有與高雄長庚(電子耳相關)、嘉義長庚(聽損基因相關)與中山聽語系(聽語測試工具相關)合作之成果。至今,並持續與台大(聽損基因相關)、中山聽語系與台北護理健康大學聽語所(電子耳兒童嗓音相關)合作。論文主題涵蓋多面向範圍,包括:
  • 衛教文章
  • 個人著作
  • 我們團隊歷年來的電子耳研究,可列舉以下特色:
  • 五年內共參加國內外醫學會受邀演講、發表論文共32次。在電子耳方面的學術參與,除於2010至2016年間連續擔任台灣耳鼻喉科醫學會學術演講會座長與講者,負責主持與講授人工電子耳相關議程,並接受國內外醫院邀請及推薦,多次代表台灣出國,於亞洲各地分享長庚與台灣人工電子耳經驗。
  • The effect of lexical tone experience on English intonation perception in Mandarin-Speaking cochlear-implanted children.
  • Cochlear Implantation Outcomes in Patients with Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder of Genetic and Non-Genetic Etiologies: A Multicenter Study.
  • Voice emotion recognition by Mandarin-speaking pediatric cochlear implant users in Taiwan.
  • Experience of Adult Cochlear Implantation at a Tertiary.
  • Hearing Features and Cochlear Implantation Outcomes in Patients With Pathogenic MYO15A Variants: a Multicenter Observational Study.
  • Association between exposure to road traffic noise and hearing impairment: a case-control study.
  • Prognostic Factors for Communication Improvement in Young Children After Cochlear Implant Surgery.
  • Simultaneous auricular reconstruction and transcutaneous bone conduction device implantation in patients with microtia.
  • Mutation screening in non-syndromic hearing loss patients with cochlear implantation by massive parallel sequencing in Taiwan
  • Association of Meniere disease with human leukocyte antigen in Taiwanese population.
  • Timing of cochlear implantation in auditory neuropathy patients with OTOF mutations: Our experience with 10 patients.
  • Comparisons of Auditory Performance and Speech Intelligibility after Cochlear Implant Reimplantation in Mandarin-Speaking Users
  • Identifying children with poor cochlear implantation outcomes using massively parallel sequencing.
  • Written language ability in Mandarin-speaking children with cochlear implants.
  • Behavior problems in children with cochlear implants.
  • Severity of childhood obstructive sleep apnea and hypertension improved after adenotonsillectomy.
  • Intraoperative Facial Nerve Monitoring During Cochlear Implant Surgery.
  • Paragraph-reading comprehension ability in Mandarin-speaking children with cochlear implants.
  • Impact of Cochlear Nerve Deficiency Determined Using Three-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging on Hearing Outcome in Children with Cochlear Implants.
  • Recurrence of Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Retrospective Cohort Study.
  • Audiovisual speech perception at various presentation levels in Mandarin-speaking adults with cochlear implants.
  • Auditory performance and speech intelligibility of Mandarin-speaking children implanted before age 5.
  • Multidimensional evaluation of vocal quality in children with cochlear implants: a cross-sectional, case-controlled study.
  • Auditory performance and speech intelligibility of Mandarin-speaking children implanted before age 5
  • Multidimensional evaluation of vocal quality in children with cochlear implants: a cross-sectional, case-controlled study.
  • Timing of surgical intervention with cochlear implant in patients with large vestibular aqueduct syndrome.
  • Speech Perception and Communication Ability over the Telephone by Mandarin-speaking Children with Cochlear Implants.
  • Parental stress in raising mandarin-speaking children with cochlear implants.
  • Surgical Management of First Branchial Cleft Anomaly Presenting as Infected Retro-auricular Mass Using Microscopic Dissection Technique.
  • Otologic and audiologic features of ethnic Chinese patients with Turner syndrome in Taiwan.
  • Facial nerve dehiscence at mastoidectomy for cholesteatoma.
  • Differential diagnosis and treatments of necrotizing otitis externa: A report of 19 cases.
  • Genetic Characteristics in Children with Cochlear Implants and the Corresponding Auditory Performance.
  • Migration of Cochlear Implantation Magnet without Head Trauma.
  • Long-term Language levels and Reading Skills in Mandarin-speaking Pre-lingual Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants.
  • A rare complication of cholesteatoma-bezold's abscess and internal jugular vein thrombosis.
  • The impact of head shadow effect on sound field at orifice of Human Ear Canal.
  • A capillary hemangioma with external auditory canal and tympanic membrane involvement.
  • Cartilage Inlay Myringoplasty for Outpatients.
  • Lexical effects on spoken word recognition performance among Mandarin-speaking children with normal hearing and cochlear implants.
  • Salivary Gland Choristoma of the Middle Ear.
  • Prospective variants screening of connexin genes in children with hearing impairment: genotype/ phenotype correlation.
  • Extensive Glomus Tympanicum Mimicking Chronic Granulomatous Otitis Media.
  • Congenital cholesteatoma in the mastoid cavity.
  • Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Subcortical Auditory Tract in Subjects with Congenital Cochlear Nerve Deficiency.
  • Mastoid pressure dressing for cochlear implantation—Is it necessary ?
  • Facial nerve schwannoma.
  • A contraindication to routine neck manipulation examinations in patients with acute vertigo: Vertebral artery dissection.
  • Diffusion tensor imaging of subcortical auditory tract for subjects with long-term unilateral sensorineural hearing loss.
  • Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Auditory Pathway in Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Changes in Radial Diffusivity and Diffusion Anisotropy.
  • Facial Nerve Overlying Stapes Footplate as a Cause of Conductive Hearing Loss.
  • Long-term speech perception of cochlear implantation in children with large vestibular aqueduct syndrome: how we do it.
  • Intellectual Ability of Mandarin-speaking Children Using Cochlear Implants.
  • Long-term categorical auditory performance and speech intelligibility in Mandarin-speaking prelingually deaf children with early cochlear implantation in Taiwan.
  • Pediatric cochlear implantation in Taiwan: long term communication outcomes.
  • Carcinoid tumor of middle ear: a case report.
  • An Insidious Preauricular Sinus Presenting as an Infected Postauricular Cyst.
  • Management of acute otitis media.
  • Cochlear nerve aplasia and hypoplasia: diagnosis with three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Mandarin speech perception in Nucleus CI 24 implantees using MAPs based on neural response telemetry.
  • Cochlear implantation in patients with large vestibular aqueduct syndrome (LVAS).
  • Long-term outcome of school-aged children with cochlear implants.
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